Izard Exploratory LLC

Welcome to Izard Exploratory LLC. Izard used to distribute the Windows-based notekeeping software orGenta.

Important Announcement: Izard Exploratory is Closing

We regret to inform you that after careful consideration, Izard Exploratory has made the difficult decision to close its operations. While the software developed by Izard Exploratory will still be available for download from our GitHub repository, we must emphasize that there will no longer be any customer support or further updates provided. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Despite our best efforts, Izard Exploratory was unable to garner sufficient customers or secure the necessary investments to sustain the company’s operations. This decision was not taken lightly, and it is with a heavy heart that we bring an end to this venture. While Izard Exploratory may be closing its doors, we encourage our users to continue utilizing the software available on our GitHub repository. We hope that it will continue to serve as a valuable resource for your organizing needs.

  • For more information about orGenta including sample screens see our Software page.

Latest from the Blog

What We’re Up To

I just wanted to drop everybody a note as to what we are up to over here at Izard. We keep doing periodic builds with new releases of the software. You know overall we have been working on orGenta for around eighteen years, but of course the ideas and enhancements come in bits and pieces…

Speed Doesn’t Matter

Except when it does. So we designed orGenta with two primary operational modes in mind. The first is when you have plenty of time to think things over, consider and research possibilities. Many times at work, when you are away from the fray of customer demands, you find yourself learning the deep technicalities of how…

Fun with Organizing Ideas

My first use of orGenta was to capture philosophical aphorisms from a book of famous quotations. I found the ones that particularly struck a chord, and typed them into orGenta by hand. They all just sat in the “Unassigned” category. Then I started typing in some general philosophical categories, God, Love, Man, things of that…